Smart Dual Citizenship for Italians

What to expect

sample E-mail consultation

Question about Residency:

I’m in the process of getting Italian citizenship through my great-grandfather who left Italy in 1921. I have an Italian partner who is living in Italy. We plan to marry in the next month. How can I move to Italy as his wife while the dual citizenship is being processed? I am from Canada.



Hello, Gladys,

Thank you for reaching out, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

You can indeed move to Italy as the spouse of an Italian citizen. To make the process smoother, the first step is to ensure your marriage is officially registered with the Italian authorities.

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Question about AIRE Registration Delay:

Dear Lara,

I am reaching out because I’ve encountered an obstacle with my AIRE registration and was wondering if you could offer any guidance.

After completing my citizenship oath a few months ago, my citizenship file was transmitted to the local comune for AIRE registration.

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Dear Ann-Marie,

First, let me extend my congratulations on reaching the significant milestone of your oath ceremony! This marks an important step in your citizenship process, and I’m glad to see you’re progressing.

Now, regarding the situation with your registration with the official Registrar of Italians residing Abroad (AIRE): It’s entirely understandable to feel concerned given the delays you’re encountering. Typically, AIRE registration takes about a month, but as you’ve experienced, delays can occur. Let me provide some insights and practical advice that could help you move forward.

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