Smart Dual Citizenship for Italians

Facing the jungle of Italian bureaucracy is disheartening – I hear you! – but there’s a tool that can really simplify the process: Autocertificazioni (self-certifications or statutory declarations). Since 2012, these have been a game-changer for many. Here’s how they work and how you can use them to your advantage.

As a lawyer specializing in the Italian administration, I’ve successfully filed over 5,000 applications using self-certifications and digital certificates with Consulates, Italian muncipalities. I use these tools every day in Court and succeed each time. My aim is to help you understand your rights with Italian offices, so you can save time, money and your energy. In this blog, I share my top tips for dealing with Italian bureaucracy. Learn how to handle Italian Consulates and other offices with confidence. Impress them and make sure your rights are always respected!

What Are Autocertificazioni?

Autocertificazioni allow individuals to declare certain facts as true to meet legal requirements without needing original documents. They are valid as long as the information is registered somewhere within the Italian administration.

How Autocertificazioni Work

For example, if you need to provide proof of marriage, you can submit an Autocertificazione stating you are married, as long as your marriage certificate is registered with an Italian Consulate or municipality. Similarly, you can declare that you have a child with a specific name and birth date if their birth certificate is registered with Italian offices. This simplifies the process significantly, as you don’t need to provide original documents each time.

Who accepts the Autocertificazioni?

Initially, Autocertificazioni were only accepted by public offices. However, since 2020, even private entities such as banks and employers are required to accept these self-declarations. This broad acceptance makes it easier to manage various bureaucratic processes.

Difference Between Autocertificazioni and Affidavits

Autocertificazioni differ from affidavits in Common Law systems. Affidavits are made under oath and typically used when no other evidence is available. In contrast, Autocertificazioni are simpler declarations, valid because they are based on data already registered in the Italian system.

Who Can Use Autocertificazioni?

It’s important to note that only Italian and EU citizens can use Autocertificazioni. If you are not an Italian or EU citizen, this option is still not available to you. However, you can still simplify your interactions with Italian bureaucracy using digital certificates and a PEC (certified email).

Simplify with Digital Certificates

Another way to streamline your interactions with Italian offices is by using digital certificates. Unlike Autocertificazioni, digital certificates are available to everyone, not just Italian or EU citizens. These certificates can be obtained online and are considered as valid as paper certificates, making them a practical and efficient alternative for all.

You’re welcome to read more about this subject in my article: Get Your Papers in Italy Digitally!


Autocertificazioni are a valuable tool for Italian and EU citizens, making it much easier to navigate the often complex Italian bureaucratic system. By allowing individuals to self-declare certain facts, they reduce the need for original documents and streamline many processes. Whether you’re dealing with public offices or private entities, understanding and utilizing Autocertificazioni can save you time and hassle.

For those who are not Italian or EU citizens, digital certificates offer a similarly effective solution to simplify bureaucratic interactions. Embrace these practical solutions and make your bureaucratic tasks in Italy easier and more efficient!

Don’t settle for less than your rights based in the law. Know what you can expect and demand that the Italian offices respect their obligations. Learn your rights and stay updated to the last developments in the law.
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