Smart Dual Citizenship for Italians

Embarking on the journey of obtaining Italian citizenship through marriage is a venture of love, not just for your spouse, but for the rich tapestry of Italian culture. It’s a path that leads to the heart of Italy, but one that requires a key – the B1 language certificate.

The Essence of the B1 Language Requirement

Italian citizenship by marriage hinges on demonstrating adequate knowledge of the Italian language. It’s not merely a bureaucratic tick box but a gateway to becoming an integral part of the Italian community. As of December 2018, the Italian government has stipulated that non-Italian spouses need to prove their Italian language proficiency by obtaining one of four recognized certifications: CILS, CELI, IT, or PLIDA, with the CILS being the most globally recognized.

Your Timeline for Application

The timing of your application is as follows:

  • Two years of marriage/civil union if residing in Italy, halved if you share children or have legally adopted children.
  • Three years post marriage/civil union from abroad, also halved under the same parental circumstances.

The Two Flavors of B1

The B1 level strikes a balance, demonstrating that you have moved beyond basic Italian but have room to grow. For citizenship purposes, the specialized B1 citizenship exam is the requirement, but a regular B1 certification won’t suffice unless you’re looking to use it for work or academic reasons.

Preparing for the B1 Certification

Preparation for this certification doesn’t chain you to a specific course or method; what matters is your comprehensive readiness in both written and verbal Italian. The exam tests your ability to navigate through everyday situations, express personal interests, and engage in conversations about work and leisure.

How to Obtain Your B1 Certification

This crucial step can be taken at official Italian certifying bodies or their international partners, often found via Italian Consulates or the Istituti Italiani di Cultura.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are exceptions to the B1 requirement:

  • Spouses living in Italy who’ve signed an integration agreement.
  • Holders of a qualification from an Italian educational institution.
  • Those with recognized language proficiency certification.

A Change on the Horizon

A legislative proposal suggests extending the B1 requirement to citizenship by lineage applicants. It’s a shift that future applicants should keep a watchful eye on.

Conclusion: The Language of Belonging

The B1 certification is more than a formality; it’s a testament to your dedication to embracing Italian life in full. Whether you’re just starting or on the brink of application, this guide aims to empower you on this journey, making the process clearer, less daunting, and a milestone worth celebrating in your Italian love story.

Let’s embark on this journey together. The essence of Italy awaits.