Smart Dual Citizenship for Italians

Read here the translation word by word. There is a helpful guide below to understand the tricky (Italian) legal language.

Public Safety Decree of October 4th, 2018 no. 113

Urgent provisions regarding international protection and immigration, public safety, as well as measures for the operations of the Ministry of the Interior and the organization and functioning of the National Agency for the Administration and Allocation of seized and confiscated property to the criminal organized. (18G00140) (Official Bulletin no.231 dated 4-10-2018)


Entry into force of the provision: May 10th, 2018

Law-Decree converted with modifications by Law 1 December 2018, n. 132 (in Official Bulletin of December 3rd, 2018, no. 281).

Chapter III

Provisions on citizenship

Article 14

Provisions regarding the acquisition and revocation of citizenship

1. To the law of 5 February 1992, n. 91, are applied to the following modifications:

a) Article 8, paragraph 2 is canceled;

(a-bis) after article 9 the following is inserted:

“Art. 9.1. – 1. The granting of Italian citizenship pursuant to Articles 5 and 9 is subject to the possession, by the interested party, of adequate knowledge of the Italian language, not lower than the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). For this purpose, the applicants who have not signed the integration agreement referred to in Article 4-bis of the Aliens Act – Legislative Decree of 25 July 1998, No. 286, or those who do not hold an EU residence permit for long-term residents pursuant to Article 9 of the same Aliens Act, are required, at the time of submitting the application, to prove by a certificate that they have obtained a qualification issued by a public Italian educational institution or a private educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation or the Ministry of Education, University and Research, or to submit appropriate certification issued by a certifying body recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation or by the Ministry of Education, University and Research;”

b) in Article 9-bis, paragraph 2, the words “for an amount of 200” are replaced by the following «for an amount of 250»;

c) after article 9-bis the following is inserted:

“Article 9-ter. – 1. The maximum handling time for applications according to articles 5 and 9 is forty-eight months from the date in which the application is submitted.

2. Canceled by Act of Law of December 1st, 2018, No. 132;”

d) the following is inserted after article 10:

“Article 10-bis. – 1. Italian citizenship acquired according to articles 4, paragraphs 2, 5 and 9, is revoked in the event of final conviction for the crimes under article 407, paragraph 2, letter a), n. 4) of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as for the crimes under articles 270-ter and 270-quinquies section 2 of the same code. The revocation of citizenship is adopted within three years after a person is convicted for the crimes referred to in the first period, by decree of the President of the Republic, on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior”.

2. The provisions of paragraph 1, letter c) apply to the citizenship applications in progress at the date of entry into force of this decree.


GUIDE: How to read this text

The Decreto Sicurezza (Public Safety Decree) of October 4th, 2018 no. 113 amended several laws in Italy, among which the Italian Citizenship Act of 5 February 1992, n. 91. That is the main regulation on Italian citizenship.

The text you find on this page is a translation into English of the official final text of the Decreto Sicurezza as a result of the Italian Parliament approval of December 3rd, 2018. It is the part of the text which amends the 1992 Italian Citizenship Act. The text on this page is currently in force.

Here is the meaning of the tricky parts:

Italian citizenship pursuant to Articles 5 and 9:

Italian citizenship by marriage

Integration agreement referred to in Article 4-bis of the Aliens Act, Legislative Decree of 25 July 1998, No. 286:

an agreement which foreign workers sign upon starting their first residence in Italy after entering the country with a work visa

Italian citizenship acquired according to articles 4, paragraphs 2, 5 and 9:

Italian citizenship by residence in the territory of Italy for a certain amount of time.

Crimes under article 407, paragraph 2, letter a), n. 4) of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure:

Crimes committed for the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the constitutional order, for which the law prescribes a term of imprisonment of not less than a minimum of five years or up to ten years.

Crimes under articles 270-ter and 270-quinquies section 2:

  • helping an organization for the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the constitutional order;
  • organizing, financing or aiding transfers aimed at performing acts aimed at terrorism or subversion of the constitutional order.


More on this subject:

Italian citizenship in 4 years? No, thanks!

Italian citizenship by marriage. How to cut the waiting time?

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